Zymbit unveils Secure Edge Fabric for enhanced IoT deployments

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Zymbit announced on Thursday its new Secure Edge Fabric line of products and services, designed to deliver better business outcomes from pilot IoT (Internet of Things) deployments and beyond. The hybrid architecture uniquely addresses the competing requirements of enterprise IoT for rapid innovation cycles, long-term durability, and low cost of ownership.

The Secure Edge Fabric combines the power of embedded Linux compute nodes with the low cost and adaptability of non-Linux intelligent I/O to deliver secure edge compute and control capabilities suitable for various industries, from retail automation to distributed AI models. The product lineup includes Bootware 1.0 unified endpoint security management tools, Secure Edge Node 400, and Tiny Nodes, protected by Zymbit’s core HSXM secure supervisor silicon.

Architected for Faster Business Innovation

Zymbit’s Secure Edge Fabric products build on the company’s commitment to delivering professional-grade edge compute solutions with flexibility, security and scalability at their core. The new product family is designed to meet the evolving needs of industries ranging from retail automation to industrial IoT and remote healthcare, where zero-trust environments, rapid innovation cycles and long-term reliable operation are the norm.

Bridging Chasm Between Rapid Innovation, Scale and Long-Term Operation

Zymbit’s Secure Edge Fabric products include trusted modular hardware backed by secure supervisor silicon and unified endpoint management tools that free developers to focus on innovation, both in the design lab and in the field. When it’s time to scale up, Zymbit products and services are open for enterprise integration, tough enough to withstand real-world operating conditions, and smart enough to support continuous upgrades securely through years of unattended operation.

Key Components of Zymbit’s Secure Edge Fabric:

  • Secure Edge Node 400: This third-generation Linux compute node includes a highly customizable baseboard with a choice of HSxM security, an enterprise-grade redundant and managed power system, expanded storage through PCIe M.2, and support for Pi Compute CM4 and beyond. All are enclosed in a durable, tamper-responsive enclosure with integrated heatsink, mounting, and cable management accessories.
  • Tiny Nodes: Designed to be very low cost, highly flexible and easily managed, Zymbit Tiny Node reference products are architected to be produced in high volumes by OEMs and integrators. Tiny nodes can operate either standalone or in concert with Secure Edge Nodes and managed by Zymbit Bootware, which enables secure updates as well as recovery of unattended devices over long-term deployments.
  • HSxM Core Silicon: Zymbit’s HSXM expands the functionality of a typical Hardware Security Module by adding node supervision, safe state recovery, and secure management of cryptographically isolated filesystem encryption, together with over-the-air updates. Specifically designed for unattended hybrid edge compute applications, HSXM delivers instant security upon deployment, while maintaining upgradeability and flexibility for developers to adapt to changing application requirements. HSXM employs proven techniques such as key derivations and security contexts to address the challenges of managing complex fleets in a cryptographically sound and scalable manner.
  • Bootware 1.0: Bootware delivers low-friction unified credential, update, and recovery management across Zymbit Linux edge compute nodes, tiny non-Linux devices, and third-party nodes deployed within the Edge Compute Fabric. On Linux nodes, Bootware supports multiple flavours of Linux, including custom distributions, and popular higher-level IoT cloud services. 

Bootware on Linux aims to impose minimal restrictions on what the customer can do with the operating system, while providing A/B/S updates, recovery, and hardening, which, on some devices, includes recovery from complete destruction of all software on the device. On non-Linux devices, Bootware provides cryptographic services, physical protection, updates, and integration with device, local, and fleet security contexts. This establishes clear and unobtrusive security perimeters, enabling more capable compute nodes to fully leverage the flexible remote I/O capabilities and low cost of numerous tiny nodes. 

Ultimately, Bootware gives the Secure Edge Fabric high flexibility, high value, and appropriate security without having to choose one over the other.


All announced products are available now for order from Zymbit’s webstore.


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