Riverbed unveils New ONE partner programme

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Riverbed has announced the launch of Riverbed ONE, a new partner programme to enable Riverbed partners to succeed in meeting the growing technology needs of customers to support today’s modern IT environments. The Company launched this new programme to coincide with the introduction of its new AI-powered Unified Observability platform and solutions that optimise digital experiences and improve IT efficiency.

The Riverbed ONE partner programme is aligned to Riverbed’s go-to-market sales strategy that focuses on working closely with partners to drive expansion and penetration in Riverbed’s larger enterprise market and develop new business in the mid-market space, with new AI-driven technologies and flexible consumption models tied to annual recurring revenue growth.

Additionally, Riverbed simplified its new partner programme for easier engagement by removing the complexity of partner levels and dividends and introduced a simpler structure that provides benefits based on capabilities to drive specific activities and improve customer outcomes. Riverbed ONE rewards more consumption models with the expansion of its managed services offerings, new marketplaces and mid-market opportunities. The programme also offers more sales incentives, training and enablement to encourage adoption of AI-driven solutions and for partners to continue to invest in Riverbed’s programme.

“I’m very excited with the changes to our partner programme embodied in Riverbed ONE as it is really about working side-by-side with our partners to collaborate and drive revenue and expansion opportunities to meet the industry specific needs of our mutual customers,” said Alex Thurber, the senior vice president of global partners and alliances at Riverbed. “The transformation in the IT industry is being shaped by changing customer and employee digital expectations and the need for AI-driven solutions that automate IT processes to solve issues faster and deliver better digital experiences. By moving to fewer, more invested partners and removing programme complexities, we are able to provide a tailored approach for deeper and more rewarding relationships with our partners and end customers. With the launch of Riverbed ONE and other key enhancements to our partner experience, along with a platform that uses our industry-leading AI observability and Acceleration solutions, Riverbed’s partners are well-positioned to succeed, grow and support enterprise customers across all industries.”

Rick Shafer, the chief revenue officer at Swish, said, “In receiving a preview of Riverbed ONE, I was very pleased to see that Riverbed is taking a more holistic approach to support how our business is evolving, helping us drive further growth opportunities in larger enterprise accounts and enabling us to take the lead in the Public Sector and Commercial Markets. The new ways in which IT is being consumed by end customers and the demand for AI-driven technologies are reshaping the economics of the IT sector, and Riverbed responded with a partner-focused approach and a powerful platform, and new solutions that bring us more opportunities for growth. We are delighted to be a part of Riverbed ONE and I look forward to seeing immediate and mutually profitable results in partnership with Riverbed.”

Riverbed ONE is a partner programme built on simplicity and profitability for partners and helping to improve the digital experience of customers by using AI automation for the prevention, identification and resolution of IT issues. By removing partner levels and other complexities, Riverbed has simplified how partners achieve and continue to maintain their status for better business engagement. The programme adapts to multiple consumption models and partners’ needs with a focus on annual recurring revenue. More importantly, it rewards achievement across key activities and joint sales priorities while providing more opportunities for growth as Riverbed introduced a new AI-powered Unified Observability platform and new visibility and AIOps solutions.

Riverbed ONE offers lucrative incentives and strong enablement support through sales and marketing assistance, training, certification, technical support and its online partner portal.

For more information on Riverbed ONE, please visit: https://www.riverbed.com/riverbed-partner-program/

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