Wiliot hosts first Ambient IoT Unplug Fest in July 2024

Light trails above buildings Image by fanjianhua on Freepik

Wiliot has announced the Wiliot Ambient IoT Unplug Fest, July 22-23, 2024, in Bentonville, Arkansas.

The event is designed to bring together manufacturing partners, interested companies and technologists that are developing and scaling ambient IoT devices to ensure they reach their full potential.

Ambient IoT is a battery-free wireless technology being incorporated into wireless standards, such as Bluetooth, 5G Advanced, 6G and Wi-Fi. It allows all types of products to connect to the Internet and exploit the power of artificial intelligence at a fraction of the cost of legacy technologies.

“For ambient IoT to reach its full potential and transform the world, it takes an ecosystem of companies with products and technologies that all work together,” said Dotan Ziv, the general manager of Wiliot’s Network business. “Wiliot’s first Unplug Fest puts interoperability at the centre of that ecosystem, giving companies their best-ever chance to test technology with a broader set of solutions beyond their individual deployments – so that as ambient IoT transforms industries, they can be among the first to benefit from its vast potential.”

To that end, Wiliot will introduce its Wiliot Ambient IoT Certified Product programme. Over both days of the Ambient IoT Unplug Fest, companies will be able to test their products in a lab setting to verify compatibility and performance with ambient IoT network bridges, gateways and more across multiple generations of ambient IoT Pixels and sensors. Ambient IoT Certification will be granted to products and solutions that pass the interoperability testing.

“As we move from a high-labor, high-cost auto-ID reader infrastructure to a pervasive low-labor, low-cost sensing infrastructure, products certified for ambient IoT interoperability will be critical,” Ziv continued. “As a driving force behind ambient IoT, Wiliot is proud to take on these earliest efforts at product certification, but we know it takes the whole industry to capitalise on emerging market demand.”

During Wiliot Ambient IoT Unplug Fest, attendees will gain:

  • Insight from Wiliot executives about the current ambient IoT solution stack and the massive market opportunity for both technology manufacturers and the companies that will employ ambient IoT in their business operations.
  • Hands-on access to testing with the next generation of Wiliot smart-tags and access to other manufacturers’ ambient IoT solutions to understand where the industry is headed.
  • Dedicated interoperability testing periods with labs and testing equipment supplied by Wiliot and partners.
  • Collaborative knowledge and hands-on sessions with Wiliot experts and industry peers on subjects such as troubleshooting and debugging, optimising power and RF performance and understanding and using the Wiliot platform.
  • Ample opportunity to network with other ambient IoT ecosystem players to explore partnerships and go-to-market collaborations.

“Wiliot’s Ambient IoT Unplug Fest is the premier opportunity for companies to get involved in the ambient IoT ecosystem and capitalise on market demand,” Ziv concluded. “We look forward to coming out of Bentonville with pressure tested, unified, deployable sets of solutions that can scale ambient IoT and the revenues of this industry and the customers it serves.”

Attendance at Wiliot Ambient IoT Unplug Fest is complementary. Registration can be found at www.wiliot.com/wiliot-ambient-iot-unplug-fest, and registration closes on Monday, June 24th.

For more information about Wiliot and its ambient IoT platform, visit www.wiliot.com. For hi-res imagery, click here.

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